Faithful Followers
The Faithful Followers small group has been meeting for 23 years, making it one of Epworth’s longest running adult groups. It was started and lead by Skip and Carol Oakley for 22 years. The continunity of the group is credited to their dedication and leadership. The first study was “The Purpose Driven Life: by Rick Warren. Since the the group has studied a wide range of topics selected by both members of the group and the leader. Open questioning and dynamic discussions challenge us to learn and grow to become Faithful Followers. January 2012, the group prayerfully began the ministry of Meals for the Hungry, a free weekly meal open to both members of the church and the community. It continues today and serves over a 1000 meals a year.

Men's Minstry
Epworth United Methodist Men are a group of men from various life experiences, and backgrounds. This group has been reignited in the past year and has focused primarily on fellowship, and building friendships. Getting to know each other as friends rather than just church acquaintances allows opportunity to grow spiritually, and as a church. The men have joined together to raise money for church projects, and also provide help with the church maintenance and landscape projects. We meet for breakfast the second Sunday of the month.
Women's Ministry
United Methodist Women of Epworth
The UMW of Epworth is a group of women who care for one another and are involve din mission outreaches both locally and internationally. We are the oldest small group meeting at Epworth UMC. Our outreach extends to a “Missionary serving in Africa, to a local Pregnancy center, a woman’s shelter, local Hispanic groups and many other programs. We meet the first Wednesday of every month at 1:00PM at Epworth UMC. For more information contact Linda Turner at 757-678-3875
We have an active UMW program. More information to come
Sisters in Christ
The sister in Christ meets at 10:00am on Sunday Mornings throughout the year. There gatherings consist of fellowship, devotion, and prayer. During the summer they will meet some evenings for dinner and fellowship one time a month.